Occult’s Redefining of Scriptural Terms that Confuses Christians
The new-age uses biblical terms and quotes scriptures in their writings. This is why they call themselves a “New Gospel”. It underscores their plans to do away with the old "wrong" interpretation of the Gospel.
These beliefs are today's politically-correct spiritually. In their writings they even say there are great men like George Bush with his push for a “new world order” and Mikhail Gorbachev and many others that are doing good in the world for they are the ones helping create their spiritual and political one world order. They say that political activism is part of spirituality. They firmly state that soon the world will have to choose between the “New Gospel” and the “Old Gospel” to choose between the Occult and the Belief in God as we know Him. They say that the “new gospel” of the occult will prevail and that we will enter the “golden age of Aquarius”. To enter this new age you must take initiations to the god of the planet, Lucifer. These are the best selling books in the world and consistently promoted by Oprah, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Wash, Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Barbra Marx Hubbard etc…
It is the twisting of the meaning of biblical words that causes much confusion for LDS and other Christians, for they think that when these terms are used by occult authors that they have the traditional definition, but in reality they are used with an opposite meaning. The biblical meanings of these words are twisted and perverted and used to deceive. For example, in the occult “meditation” is a sleep-like-state that leads us to an awakening of our inner divinity or inner Christ. This in turn leads to “atonement” meaning at –one-with the world, then a transformation occurs in which we are “resurrected” to become universal beings. If enough people experience this inner change, then they collectively will the creation of a new heaven and earth called the “New Jerusalem”. While this theology uses familiar terms, it is clear that their meaning is almost directly opposite the meaning they have in an LDS or Christian context.
I think about how we are told not to be idle and warned of being asleep and told not be “one” with the world. It makes we wonder if these are our warning signs, for the occult teaches us to try to go to a place of emptying the mind, a sleep-like-state in which you become idle and feel your interconnectedness or oneness with the world. I think we have been warned quite well by scriptures and prophets not to do this kind of meditation or have this kind of mindset. The occult believes we are all Christs and Heaven is inside each of us.
Examples of the new definitions and twisting of Biblical ideas.
The occult uses words like:
Meditation: is a state of idleness in a trance-like-sleep-state in which an awakening occurs.
Awaken: is to comprehend your “divinity” and oneness with the world
World: is good and we are to embrace the world and be interconnected with everyone and everything.
Atonement: means At-one-ment at one with the world, “it is the final lesson man must learn for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation”
Christ: is all of us, we all are Christs
Heaven: is inside you not a place outside of yourself.
Love: is unconditional and there is not a God that judges.
Sin: There is no sin except NOT believing you are Christ or God. Man is incorruptible. Christ and others showed us how to overcome guilt and accept that we are divine and can rise above death. Once guilt is gone man accepts that he is God and sinless therefore awakens and can be resurrected into his new state of transcendence. This is the next level in the evolutionary process of man.
Satan: is a symbol of man’s not understanding his divinity. Is the thought that man is separate from God. The triumph over Satan is to break the illusion of being separate from God and accept that you are “god” and create a universal community or in other words a one world order of peace.
Devil: Is the belief that we are separate from God and that we are not God this is also call the state of fear.
Evil: does not exist because innocence is wisdom.
Jesus: Jesus of Nazareth was channeling the real “Christ”, who is one of the ascended masters.
Armageddon: We can by pass the “fire” prophesied of nuclear Armageddon spoken of in scriptures if we follow the occult path of oneness and unite the world in peace and one-world-religion and government.
Humility: is accepting you are God.
Selfishness: is thinking you are not God and not part of the oneness of us all being God. The belief in separateness, that there is a God separate from you.
Persecution: does not exist and there are no victims for it is the law of Karma and the Law of attraction.
Anti-Christ: are those that oppose the teaching that we are “gods” and that we are Christ.
And those that oppose the “Christ” that comes to teach these truths.
The name of Jesus Christ: is just a symbol of many names of all the “gods to which you Pray.
There are a thousand paths to God we all join together to form the mystical body of Christ, there is no single way.
Secret works: are good for they are the spiritual underground that is changing the world secretly.
Savior: we are our own Savior for we are Christ.
Resurrection: is the transformation from Homo Sapiens to Homo Universalis and Christ and others taught how were are to awaken to our Godhood and thereby Resurrect ourselves into a new kind of human through this evolutionary process of man by transforming to this higher level of consciousness. It is also considered the 5th initiation where we finally shed the body and are only spirits of light. For the body is just a means to learn and once we have learned it is to be thrown away.
The return of Christ: is based on enough people becoming like him and invoking him to come forth to the planet and doing meditations to call him forth, to bring his divine plan of peace of this “new gospel” and one world order.
Man: is to be deified. Jesus did not want us to deify him but ourselves.
Aliens: Are other sons and daughters of “gods” that are at different levels of evolution. Space Brothers are more highly evolved entities that watch over and influence the evolution of our planet. Aliens that live among us and guide us and the Masters of Wisdom will come forth once the world is ripe to bring the Morning star or Light-bearer Lucifer’s plan of peace.
New Jerusalem: is the city that emerges naturally from a New Heaven and New Earth that is created by the human community as they collectively realize the “divine within” and all the occult beliefs and cause the world to go through a transformation. The change within causes the change without. Be the change in the world you want to see (Gandhi).
God: you are already God; you simply do not know it, you are the creator and the created.
Here are just a few LDS and scripture quotes:
Marion G. Romney, “Let Us Set in Order Our Own Houses,” Ensign, Jan 1985, 3
“An idle brain,” so the saying goes, “is the Devil’s workshop.” This is no doubt true because the scriptures associate idleness with things most despicable. Describing the remnant of his people from the vision in which he saw them, Nephi said, “After they had dwindled in unbelief they became a loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations.” (1 Ne. 12:23; italics added.)
“Awake from a deep sleep, yea, even from the sleep of hell, and shake off the awful chains by which ye are bound.” (2 Ne. 1:13.)
“14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world” John 17:14
The Buddha is a very popular symbol of meditation and new age thought and embraced fully by the occult, for Buddha reached the highest level of ascension on earth. What is interesting is the Buddha is always portrayed in a state of meditation with his eyes closed, you could say a sleep-like state. That to me is very interesting for the occults “awakening” is done in a sleep-like state, yet Father’s “awakening” is done with contemplation and pondering. The scriptures use a sleep as a negative and awake as a positive. It is interesting that Meditation is a sleep-like state of idleness that leads one to become one with the world, while the Lord commands us to not be one with the world and to avoid all idleness and usually refers to sleep as a negative thing. We awaken to Father through mental and spiritual activeness (mental contemplation, prayer, service, obedience, repenting of sins, submitting to Father’s will, etc.) while people awaken to Lucifer by effectively falling asleep, releasing all guilt without any repentance, and focusing all their attention on their own will. The occult is pride, self-centeredness, “My will not Thine”, while Father’s plan is humility, selflessness and “Thy will not mine”. Pride and humility are the key to decipher what is of God and what is of the occult.
As I research the new age/occult I find so much that fits what we have been warned of. These are just a small portion.